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Monday, January 26, 2009

Merry lunar new year's day!

2 days passed since the beginning of the great holiday. its not a bad lunar new year's day for me. with the another bonus from QRRS, my long time employer superficially, i equipped my camera with a rechargeable battery pack, and a bag for my new notebook bought just before the holiday. God, i felt so contented! in the conversation with my home town folks online, i sensed some of them don't glad as me when i told them my news and how i enjoyed them. might as jealous as it can be as them felt, but i hope God didn't left them in misery without hope in this holy days.

as doubtlessly, i shot a lot with my new camera, including open outdoor scenes. even carry a camera as large as my FujiFilm Finepix s2000HD can brings passengers curiosity, i would try my best to bring it everywhere as my second brain and sight. i really enjoy photograph!

last night is the eve of lunar new year. the grandma, the aunt(the kid sister of baby's mom) and the uncle (the second son of ema's aunt) gathered in ema's house to celebrating the holiday. the grandma prepared a rich feast, and the aunt of baby left in time to free me of worry of letting me sleep with the uncle while ema's family slept with baby in our bedroom. last night my family, ema and me and baby son, warren zhu, first time since the curse slept together in bedroom. the grandma with the uncle slept in another room future for baby. baby lingered aside the uncle with pc games most of time. i hope he can care himself days after days. i in beset of God to let him do mostly what he likes.

its a nice day today, bright sunshine till afternoon. ema decided to buy a pmp to read ebook on it. she chose to buy it online. but she remit the payment directly to the vendor, instead through the bidding site, eachnet.com. i just too glad to see people around me enjoy their new gadgets.

ok, that's it. now please enjoy my works through my camera.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

bookmarks daily 01/22/2009

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

funny weekends

last night baby asked to play games all time. the tv weather forecasted a snow night. this morning i got up early to let pc download, then i found the snow even the moment stopped. all road covered with white, even its a common scene in the north. last snow was heavy and cost quite some time before the road workers clean it from road. i then picked my new cameraand shot some photos from our windows. i remembered earlier years when baby still just can walk, every snow day i wouldcarried him outside to shot photos, but now baby and me neither have the mood to hang outside.

today again most of time accompany baby playing pc games. i m a avid new games chaser while baby just want to make fun. i restlessly monitor the new games' release via p2p networks. its really handy to follow the byte flow of shared stuff, not only u got a birdview of the development of games or warez or music, all kind of resources, their industries, but u also can make a close contacts with the stuff, like a great free grocery shop.
these days pragmatic thoughts frequent me, let divine deeply beneth routine life of my being contented with what i had now, esp. the view of my elder time in solitude alone in dusty corner. i put my faith in God, but these days i was stuffed with worry of world leaving me away and helix up. i see the danger of being buried, and the bet to mute me in leasing, i was but left to God, my God. that's my fate.
its a not bad day today, esp. now after showered in public bathroom, even a bit with fatigues, the snow continued again when i way home. i long for my home town, in this lunar year end, and holiday celebrating accumulating. i miss those folks, esp. the young generation there. i miss the bright sunshine and the leasure of life. i stayed here for being forgot, for being ignored. i always look forward the new horizon.
that's my new year's wish, in ur view, God.
attachment is baby son, warren zhu, with his ball candy on Jan 17, 2009, a day before the 7th snow in Qiqihar, China.


benzyrnill, set to fly - do it, make it.
QQ: 570503557



Monday, January 5, 2009

a day of separation after last night blizzard

today the first day of separation after last night blizzard where i scorned baby and warned him the evil&danger of his mother's family, including his mother herself. i busy with my routine work all day. baby's mother absent at noon when i returned for lunch. baby also absent, while in the morning they lingered at home as ema told me previously she in break, and i ate remnant of porridge she cooked yesterday. i hated baby under expectation, but i more hated his mother and her family. evil never left the house of ema. i trust God let my baby turning to normal way, to be a honest and respectable man. God sees. he is in fact the God of mine, and i just do what i had to do to manifest to all around the house, those spies, and his mother's family, including herself. i need time to fine tune my baby for what i observed and learned of God's way. his mother and other evils just fear and attempted to block my due task to father my baby son, warren zhu, hope of China and the God of the universe. i do, i did, and i done well, i oath. its a sunny day today, which pacified me so much. i dozed all the morning in office, and dreamed losing of my baby, and contacting the woman (ema?) who gave birth of my baby and now lost her right eyes, trying to reborn my second baby son, to satisfy my deep sorrow and untouchable pains for my losing baby son. the woman likely not gifted and in miserable situation and under her new man's control, but she tried to satisfy me. i don't believe in the dream, i just felt the pains of losing my baby. but, after all, i think my burst last night is a rebirth both for my baby son and myself. in the past days we covered by too much dirty evils. and i believe in the sunshine and the sun right always on me and the Royal of mine. that's my review today. i look forward to live and forever live with my baby son, warren, for the oath i prayed to God when i in turbulence before last time fell into asylum to cure my hopelessness upon evils on my baby son in infancy, i will forever attending him, just like attending my passed grand Father. i look through all clouds for the day i see the right layout of my kingdom of China from my ancestor of glory centuries ago. dad, God, u see.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

2 bright days in connecting 2 years

hello, 2009!

today is the first day of 2009, and a big brightly sunny day, adjoined with last bright sunny day of Dec 31,2008. last night baby played game 'strike ball 3' i just got from p2p networks all night and lots of funs, and today they gathered in his mother's relative's home to lunch. all things went bright, except this morning i again felt the pain of lacking a camera of my own. that's a long time wish list of mine, i like shotting and blogging, but i don't equipped with a considerable satisfying camera for my work. i also want a smartphone, with which i can browse websites for mobiles, and check my email and adding new apps from download. but that seemingly too early for people within China like me, where iphone and G1 with google's mobile os likely both under negotiation with China telecoms to settle deal, to comply with China surveillance as well as the telecom's monopoly. but this day. or this beginning of the year, i especially felt sad, for years i can't afford to buy anything to celebrating the holiday. i still live in the standard just fitting for food, i can't afford to travelto electric gadgets, to house, to budget a plan to improve my skill. i live and only living for hope, in the wanting. i was constrained for years here this pitfall, and likely had to wait to see my best beloved to gather around me to make fun, to make love, to make living and lives. God let me endure so long, i hope i can also entertain myself with gadgets, like camera, pmp, or game socks, or larger lcds, or even a notebook or netbook.

oh, yes, i still in seat and belt. i live for reclaiming my kingdom of my ancestor in glory, and i see closer and closer the horizon. i do need ur highlight attentionGod.

ps: attached is photo shot yesterday with my poor cellphone camera, and today's sunny scene outside of ema's house with her also outdated camera.