The New New World Order -Times Online
so insightful. i now known autocracy and arriviste. the world had to constrain China and Russia,as well as the golf, the leader of autocracy. nothing opitmism exists.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
bookmarks daily 08/26/2008
Friday, August 22, 2008
Friday, August 15, 2008
baby finished Beijing journey, returned today
the uncle of my baby, stayed in ema's house for his study in junior middle school in the last year, due to visit his home in Beijing. so the grandma brought my baby son with the uncle left for Beijing on July 1st. the grandma has a large family, and quite some of them live in Beijing, mainly doing business of selling pump. we urged baby visit us online but he indeed seldom talked with us in the last month. the grandma likely brought baby visiting some places in Beijing. they lingered there after the 2008 Beijing Olympic game. the families there said attended 2 games there. today they returned. what disappointed me is that they didn't shoot much photos of baby, which underwent growth in the month we absent. here r the photos shot in the journey, only a single photo baby was left alone.
this morning i left office just after 11 am, in the aim to receive baby returning via train. but the route due to arrive on 1 pm. so ema and i retreated home and i tried to fix the ill working mouse. around 12:30 we launched again. we bought ticket to enter the railway station and received baby and his companions just aside the wagon. baby seemingly sound and in high spirit. he ride on my shoulders as usual to leave the station, till we reached a restaurant, with lots of baggage. i ordered 3 dishes and a soup. baby asked to change a restaurant but his mother managed to calm him down. we headed again to ema's house, where we played with baby while the grandma soon went to public bathroom and the uncle watched tv on Olympic game. later i left to computer market to buy a new mouse. on the way home i bought some cookies for baby and he accepted them gladly. then i powered pc and baby asked to watch movie "assembly" again. before dinner he asked to haunt outside and cried for his mom trying to refuse him. we hanged near the stadium where lots of young men gaming there. baby played with sands and we all enjoyed the peace. on the way home i bought a water melon. we drank a bottle of bear at dinner.
that's our happy day on baby's return. its a sunny day after cloudy days, even sometimes drizzled yesterday. can't be more perfect today.
the damned blog ware hanged in the mid of spell check. i had to retype all again. shit.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
bookmarks daily 08/06/2008
please subscribe my family custom search engine of Google (be21zh, bring China abreat 21 Century)
these days adding and fine tuned my Google custom search engine and subscribed links. now they all available for ur call. my custom search profile at , while warren's custom search profile at .
under each custom search engine there 3 or 4 subscribed links, keyword trigger r our Chinese name and English name, our nickname on web, our blogs title, etc. they let ur search for our updates more precise and more apparent in the search result page. here so screenshots. i really like it, hope u can subscribe our custom search engine to let our message arrives more prompt and exact.
subscribe warren's custom search:
subscribe ben's custom search:
Google search after logon, returns my subscribed link, which so beautiful.(screenshot 1)
warren's custom search:(screenshot 2)
my custom search homepage:(screenshot 3) Google, custom, search, subscribe, link, warren, zhu, ben
- please subscribe my family custom search engine of Google
Friday, August 1, 2008
bookmarks daily 08/01/2008
site log (be21zh, bring China abreat 21 Century)
I had contented with my knol, but yesterday i read an article about automatically registering knol with software, i recognized i need claiming knol under my baby, warren, hope of China, lest his name been occupied by others. i launched and in a brizzle i finished a knol. but when i edit his profile, dog in China surveillance started to break in and let errs upon submission and can't finish the task. later i had to give up and returned home.
my home pc's Internet connection these days constantly very slow, esp. surfing with firefox, really a pain. now i know my home pc likely much easier for dog to surveillance on telcom's router, for i spent 3 hours since 6 to 9 pm i can't finished the task editing profile page and publish the submitted knol. without proxy i even can't access google knol site. they fataly blocked my access to knol, and even with proxies, they likely also broke my submission and torn apart the data and result errs.
however, in this morning in office, i finished all tasks, in addition claiming knol for my another google account, fear of hacking and blocking, i prepared all knols contents offline. i indeed prepared them last night, when i restless doubting about how to write about, and God let me dream of his way, to be ur own and no other way to access the unity, except God. God also descended a storm in mid night to inform me. i rightly woke up by it and ema shut down the window. i at once felt blessed. i dreamed of bird shooting.
claiming knol under's title quite smooth, with another lan proxy i didn't use usually. i also can fine tuned all my family's knol at leasure, thx God. i see so many beauties in google knol and the web. i love google.
here is all my family knols:
China Democracy - a knol by ben zhu
war in world and China - a knol by warren zhu
warwinzh, save China from war fire-baptism - a knol by warren zhu
bright, the history and long life of Ming Dynasty - a knol by be21zh org
hope u can visit them and comment on or write reviews.TIA.tags: Google, Knol, China, surveillance, God, way,, warren, zhu